Friday, August 28, 2009

Didn't I have this image on here before?


So, we found a venue. The Steinway Gallery. They've been really great and have a venue that holds around 110 people that we are paying $50.00 a night for. So now, although short notice, it's promote,promote, promote to fill those seats for Dirk and Jurg!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Right Around the Corner

Today is July 31st, last day of July. August begins tomorrow. Unfortunately, University of Central Florida is making us wait until the first week of August to decide whether or not they will host Dirk. If not, it's all on us and we will have to start scrambling to make sure it gets done right. 6 weeks is a short window to promote an event properly.
Since UCF is the bigger dog here, we have to stand on the sidelines and wait to see if they'll do the hosting. It's difficult and a bit of a waste of time to promote without knowing the location you're asking people to go to, or even what days and what times.
So we wait....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Venue!

We have a venue! The Steinway Piano Gallery in Altamonte Springs has a recital room that holds a little over 100 people. It's a small venue, but to fill it will be a task none the less. The piano is already there, it is GRAND! and the venue will only cost $50. Something more than reasonable!
So now we can turn to promoting and trying to build this event into something really fanatastic for all. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Funding and Fund Raising

I have a unique opportunity to possibly set up fund raising through my job. I will try to finalize some of that through work this week. Not using any names, but I've sent out emails to some people here in town that used to run an organization that put on art events.
I'm hoping they will help me set up an entity to do the fund raising through. As a person, on my own, I can't just say to people, "oh, just make the check out to me"
So, we have to set up an entity to raise the funds for. Such as 'Eating for The Arts'. To make that entity a non-profit would be even better, because those giving funds then get a tax write off.
I'm not very good at keeping up with paperwork, so I am not a good choice for running a non-profit. There are a good amount of guidelines to follow and that, I am not very good at, based on past experience.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Facility

One facility that has a Grand Piano here in town is Olympia High School.
I contacted the school today and got the rental information.
It is as follows:

Auditorium: 200.00 per hour (show time only)
Utilities: 36.00 per hour (entire time)
Site Admin: 35.00 per hour (entire time)
Custodian: 23.00 per hour (entire time)
Tech: 39.00 per hour (entire time)
Additional tech 15.00 per hour

Plus we should probably add in the cost of a professional tuning for the piano.

My guess is the cost for the event would be best estimated at three times all the amounts above.