Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Funding and Fund Raising

I have a unique opportunity to possibly set up fund raising through my job. I will try to finalize some of that through work this week. Not using any names, but I've sent out emails to some people here in town that used to run an organization that put on art events.
I'm hoping they will help me set up an entity to do the fund raising through. As a person, on my own, I can't just say to people, "oh, just make the check out to me"
So, we have to set up an entity to raise the funds for. Such as 'Eating for The Arts'. To make that entity a non-profit would be even better, because those giving funds then get a tax write off.
I'm not very good at keeping up with paperwork, so I am not a good choice for running a non-profit. There are a good amount of guidelines to follow and that, I am not very good at, based on past experience.

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