Friday, May 1, 2009

About This Blog - Full Version

My name is Zyll. I'm a visual artist living in Orlando, Florida.

I started this blog to follow the progress of an event to happen in September 2009. The premise is fairly straightforward--2 classically trained musicians from Germany contacted visual artist Jack Beals and asked if it would be possible to book an event or two in September of the following year for them to come and perform.

One of the musicians' name is DIRK and he and his partner travel the world performing music in an artistic setting. So, you would think, to ask to play a venue or two in Orlando, Florida--one of the world's most famous travel destinations and a 'town' of about 3 million people would be a fairly reasonable request.But, what we have found is a bit of an uphill battle.....

Orlando is barely in an embryonic state as far as 'World Class Arts And Culture' is concerned. And I welcome ANYONE to prove me wrong in making this statement. So, the purpose of this blog is a simple one....

To follow the progress of putting together an event within which Dirk can perform. Find on these pages a constant accountabilty of progress, videos of Dirk's other performances, and a look into the Arts And Culture of Orlando, Florida.

We ask that you please follow this blog. Suggest, argue, debate, and discuss the shaping of this event and donate.

We will make it possible and fun to donate through this blog.

We will keep you abreast as to the goals we are setting and how we are meeting those goals.

Help us make this an event that anyone in the world can share in shaping.This event is a challenge. But in meeting this challenge, we lay the ground work for many more events in the future, each bigger and better than the last!

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